18 November 2011

Social Media Branding – Online Visibility and Impact

“Social media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is surprise it’s not better”.  Twitted by Avinash Kaushik, almost 3 years back. That time Social Media was really in nascent stage.  Even conversion tracking and social platform usability was not up to mark. Few followers or chunk amount of replies to buzz has gave ample joy and satisfaction. This day especially in India, all small and big brands tried their luck on this vibrant platform, doing the same “teen sex” thing knowingly or unknowingly.

If they are practicing knowingly, then they fool around themselves and if unknowingly then they should hire a professional and experienced social media marketing agency to leverage an opportunity, to put those efforts to get in converted into successful leads. 

Being a marketing head do you ask yourself, why do I have created my fan page, twit account, LinkedIn profile or just jumping on G+ or putting another blog article about customer testimonials? Have you ever tried to measure ROI over your social media marketing efforts? Or have you ever devised social media marketing plan with targets? Most of the marketing head will put their hand across and just knocking their head east to west. That’s not a solution buddies, when I and Neil discussed social media marketing opportunities, we were realised how, when and where do we need to struck.

Since last six months I have been operated one Social Media Campaign of the biggest and oldest financial brand. In the month of May here on D-HAWK, I have posted “Facebook Marketing Campaign Plan”. More or like, you can use such plan for almost all social media platform or campaign. With this post I am going to discussed social media marketing matrix and their influencing factors.  

Community Leadership Quality:
  • Publish a manifesto
  • Allow followers to contact you
  • Allow followers to contact one another
  • Ability to trace Influence rs, Leaders, Managers
  • Realize that money is not the point of a movement
  • Track progress
Usability of Social Platform:
  • Add information to profile
  • Upload a profile picture
  • Write on wall of friend or fan pages
  • Read & Reply to a message
  • Change privacy settings for profile
  • Change notifications option for (Account, Groups, Events, Fan pages etc.) messages
  • Join a group or enter into vertical fan pages
  • Write a note/blog/scrap
  • Make a photo album
  • Find the chat link or discussion thread
Engagement or Viral Ability of Content:
  • Build strong content
  • Make your titles stand out
  • Pick the latest buzz, create humor around it
  • Engage with the community
  • Convince influence rs to spread the word
  • Uniqueness, Clarity, Error-free, Justification & Delivery 
Conversion Tracing and Measurability:  
Measuring Social Media ROI, factors to include in the Equation 
  • Visibility, Mobility, Connectivity, Flexibility, Service, Viral, Ownership
Without measurement investment is a bluff. To know more about how to measure Social Media Branding - Online Visibility and Impact, kindly get in touch with my dear friend Neil Sequeira