03 July 2008

The Think Tank : Blogging

Modern technology has made it possible for customers to radically change their approach towards marketing. As a result of which, customers are shying away from conventional media to the new cyber space.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the impact and importance of Blogging. Specifically in the business realm and the effect it can have on business and personal relationships. However, I’m not limiting this to Blogging alone, I’m thinking more about having a strong online presence and the effect it can have - Blogging is just one piece of that.

The total number of blogs keeps growing. We are at 70 millions now and while there is some sign of slowdown in the adoption rate, blogs remain the most interesting and powerful opportunity for communication, education, news reporting, personal independent publishing and grassroots democracy that has ever appeared.

The state of the Blogosphere is strong, and is maturing as an influential and important part of the web.For nearly four years, we’ve been tracking and enabling the growth of this phenomenon and theirs is much in our data to indicate that the medium is “growing up.”
Technorati is now tracking over 70 million weblogs, and we're seeing about 120,000 new weblogs being created worldwide each day. That's about 1.4 blogs created every second of every day.
Getting Into The Blogging Mindset, Blogging is fast becoming a powerful instrument in the creative course. Blogs, be it official blogs (corporate blogs) or unofficial blogs and PR are the essential features of corporate & Personal communication. Both these aspects help shape a company’s or Personal brand name and reputation. Yet, they seem to be working against each other. Blogs are discussions between the customer and the company. They are casual conversations that are based on developing practices. If done right, Blogging can help civilize a company.

Official or corporate blogs act as a direct medium for communication and information sharing within a corporate community. They are considered to be outrageous and provocative. On the other hand, some people visualize blogs as an “open-source marketplace” for ideas. Blogs allow people to reveal issues and concepts to a worldwide audience and talk about them analytically. However, blogs are deceivingly tricky to control. If done wrong, you could not only humiliate yourself, but you could also alienate potential customers as well as end up with a lawsuit.
There are a large number of banks that use blogs internally as a direct means to encourage communication and dispense information, including some that persuade users to share criticisms, ideas and requests of internal information technology systems. Blogs are used to share research and information. They provide a multiple perspective with ideas flowing to and fro. Technology companies were the first to get into business blogging. Microsoft and IBM have many bloggers writing for specific audiences.

With Blogging and online presence 2 things happen 1) people are able to get to know you in a very personal way without ever meeting you and 2) you are able to get to know people in the same way.