14 May 2011

Marketing Survey Insights

Game Marketing SurveyDesigning marketing and product feedback survey is very crucial process for marketing strategist. The expected out come of this kind of marketing or product survey will impact on overall business matrix and future business growth goals. Defining the objective of marketing survey is very important otherwise undefined purpose, leads towards no man's land. You need to align your marketing survey objectives with your marketing survey goals. Designing the marketing survey questionnaire according to targeted demography of your samples and their sociology is very important.

Recently I have got an opportunity to design product feedback survey for our game product. An overall experience was more challenging for me cause since business school I haven't got an opportunity to draft any survey. This feedback survey is designed for online game played by 15000 odd players since last one year, 70 % of them are dormant and our goal is to push those mummy's into action so they consider as mummy returns. Our main goal is to find out what kind problems they have been faced so far and how to increase their engagement with our gaming platform.

Here is the flow of objective I have designed for Game feedback survey
(Playability + Usability = Engagement)

Playability Factor:
  • Playing Objectives
  • Player Ability
  • External Obstacle
  • Concentration & Challenge
  • Game Control
  • Social Interaction
Usability Factor:
  • Customization
  • Input (Internal & External)
  • Game Views
  • Interface(GUI)
  • Game Menu
Survey Goals:
  1. No of players registrations and how to increase them for daily playing activity
  2. Products integration with gaming platform
  3. What kind of problems player faced while playing?
  4. What factors demotivate players to stay away from game challenge?
  5. What factors are affecting on players long term engagement?
  6. What factor influence increase in number of active players and their engagement?
I have designed feedback survey on the following question structure:
  • Attitude Questions
  • Likert 5 point satisfied/dissatisfied scale
  • Likert 4 point importance scale questions
  • Belief Matrix Questions - Multiple questions with same set of choice
Entire survey questions design on the basis of following points.
  • Customer Insights Questions:
  • Game Performance Questions:
  • Game Usability Questions:
  • Marketing Insights Questions:
Let see if we can manage to attract few pirates instead of mummy's. Very soon I will publish insights and finding of survey with experts analysis.

Type of Questionnaire Format Download Here

Survey Sample Question